Self-care is often framed as an indulgence, or an escape from family or work life. Real and sustainable self-care is not separate from your daily life, instead it is aligned with what you most value. We all face multiple challenges in our lives. Maintaining our personal well-being during these times helps to ensure the well-being of the people around us. Resources such as a Self-Care Workbook help you consider what is most important to you, and how to design an individualized self-care plan around your needs and priorities.
Each cycle in this diagram shares the same ‘precipitating event’ and the feelings and experiences associated with this event are the exactly the same. The difference is the action taken in response to the event which decides between living in a ‘Reactive’ cycle or a ‘Creative’ cycle. Reactivity can continually diminish personal resources as each event occurs. A ‘Creative’ approach is one where decisions are not made in crisis, or for short term comfort, but are instead proactive and aligned with your values and goals. This allows for a restoration of personal resources and energy, enabling you to learn from experience and prepare for the (inevitable) next challenge.
Work of Care offers free tools to support personal well-being, so people can better support each other.